Tuesday 16 October 2018

Things You Need To Know About Dermal Fillers

Cosmetic industry has taken a leap after introducing various kind of skincare treatments for skin tightening and rejuvenation. It helps women to achieve a younger looking skin while building more confidence in them. Some of the acclaimed treatments are laser hair removal Cape Town, fractional skin resurfacing treatment but Dermal fillers have become increasingly popular due to its various benefits over others. 

How it works? 

Unlike Botox, dermal fillers don’t paralyze your muscles to achieve a smooth looking skin but they actually fill the lines, crease and wrinkles to give a youthful skin. 

Most popular fillers 

One of the most commonly used dermal filler is Hyaluronic acid- this is an umbrella term for a range of different fillers. All of them work slightly different, thus giving varied results. Another category is collagen, which you are likely familiar with due to its wide usage in different cosmetic procedures. There are many autologous fillers, the most common of which use fat and the lesser known uses platelet-rich plasma injections.  

You can also consider a synthetic filler, this type is developed in laboratory and not related to any component which is found naturally in the skin. The advancements in the cosmetic industry has brought improvements in dermal fillers, reducing the chances of allergic reactions while making these injections more useful and comparatively safe.

If you too are looking for such a cosmetic treatment then make sure you find an experienced and qualified dermatologist, who can thoroughly assess your skin condition and provide you with the required treatment.